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Event Coverage: Karma Komedians

Yesterday evening performance coverage. A few Shots from Karma Komedians. Good show with Vivek Mohamm’ed…errr Mahbubani headlining…imagine a Cantonese spewing Indian ordering McDonald’s in HK. Of course, supporting cast includes Rishi, Sharul and malaysian Kavin with Umar hosting plus his own side jokes. Ang Mo in the audience, especially those who comes with beautiful girlfriends, wives and/or companion (i mean one guy can bring more than one girl right?) are warned. Muslims of course can bring their 4 wives :P. Had a wonderful time last night. I laughed so hard that I spoiled a few shots through camera shake.  Those going tonight, do have a great LYFAO evening!

Kavin Talking About Wife

Rishi About His Mom

Sharul About Women After Marriage

Do All Indians Know Yoga?

Vivek Speaking Cantonese

The Resident Terrorist Who Terrorise Ang Mo with Asian Girlfriends

Kavin In the Power Seat

Michelle and Emily

The Karma Komedians

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