If night photography is your thing, Singapore’s iLight festival should be the place to be this March. With 25 artistic works from all over the world being showcased around the Marina Bay area, it should provide more than enough fodder for shutter bugs. Here are the top 5 installations that I would spend time shooting on.
No. 5 – Light Origami

Step into this structure where one is bathed with reflected light from the mirrored panels inside the origami structure. If you are someone who wants to view a diamond from the inside, the experience won’t be that far off.
No. 4 – Moon Haze

We always fantasize having the full moon to shoot with the city scape. What if the moon is brought down to earth? Situated just beside One Marina Bay (NTUC Building), the inflatable ‘moon’ is pretty awesome. But do note that the brightness of the moon is affected by the impurities in the air – the cleaner the air, the brighter the moon. I guess the haze season last year did teach us a thing or two and the Moon Haze is a timely reminder.
I guess this would be a great prop for cosplayers. No…I am not suggesting Sailor moon! Tokyo Ghouls perhaps?

No. 3 – What A Loving & Beautiful World

The image projection on the facade of the Art Science Museum is always a show stopper for those who visits the bay during iLight. This time, the installation will be interactive. Visitors can visit http://ilight.team-lab.com to choose a kanji/han character and flick it to be shown on the wall.
How to Shoot: The best vantage point for the Art Science Museum will always be the Helix Bridge. One can go even higher and shoot from the Sheares Bridge too.
No. 2 – Marine Constellations

Lasers will be beamed to link the various buildings in the area together. The idea is to lead the eyes around the area. What I would use: Landscape lens. A wide angle would be very useful here. One may even need to get a higher perspective from the roof of MBS or 1 Altitude to see the whole area.
No. 1 – Angels of Freedom

This would be a crowd favourite. 5 sets of beautifully lit wings coupled with the MBS in the background, this installation is just asking for people to take picture with. From a photographers’ point of view, this provides enough opportunities to do beautiful portraiture of their families and friends.
Of course girls who fantasize about being Victoria Secret Models would love this to bits.
How to shoot: Wide angle lense would allow the camera to get close and have full view of the wings as well. Off camera flash would add some unique lighting to the face too.
Other Installations worth looking at:-
Shadow Bath

Shadow bath is a huge inflatable donut that creates beautiful shadows around the area. This create a pretty nice effect for photography buffs. If one waits for people to enter the donut, the combined shadows and silhouette would be a sight to behold.

From our neighbours up north comes bolt. The structure consists of tubes of lighting and when pressed from the buttons on the installation, it creates lighted patterns that resembles lightning. If capture correctly, it does create a beautiful ring of light with the subject in the middle. Another cosplay prop waiting to be utilised.
i Light Marina Bay will be on from the 4th March till the 27 March, from 7.30pm to 11.00pm on weekday nights and will extend to 12 mid-night for weekends. Do remember to tag your photos with #ilightmarinabay for a chance for your photos to be shown at the official website (www.ilightmarinabay.sg).