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It’s Just Another Manic Saturday…

Writer's picture: WilzWorkz Wilson WongWilzWorkz Wilson Wong

Saturday is slowly becoming my Monday. It sounds kinda sad isn’t it.  Well let’s have it.  First of all, I have to go to The Tastings Room ( for the SPIN Foodies (, a quick trip down to Samsung for the Beauty and Portrait Photography Session and then the INTRO Class over at Vivocity.

First up was the Food Photography session. What can I say?  I got the $18 worth of food that not even a full time food blogger would stomach. 19 Dishes in 3 hours and we get to sample everyone of them!  Just think of it, if each portion is divided by 5 and we have to pay for each and every dish, the cost per person would still be more than the $18.  Thanks to Timothy’s patience we got the shot of every food that passes in front of our faces and the eyes and nose just couldn’t take it anymore. All in, the food generally is above par and special mentions goes to the Sous Vide Pork Belly (gosh, mentioning it cause me to salivate), the Egg Royale/Poached Eggs in Wine Hollandaise with Bacon, the Goma Tofu, Seafood Smoked Vine Tomato Soup and the Mango Jivara Mousse Cake.  Those reading this post should go and try them. Am I advertising? Nope as I did not get paid to do so but if the food is good and I mention it, it gotta mean something right?

The food photography took so long that I have no choice but to skip the Samsung Class. Not that I wanted to, but the weather seems to agree with me with lightning and thunder clashing above us as if Zeus is having gastric pains looking at us eat. Now, is SPIN Foodies outing worth the time and money?

Thanks to the rain and the horrible Sentosa Jam (nope not the food kind but of the vehicular type), I was fashionably late for the INTRO Class (sorry guys…i did at least try to reach faster by making a huge U turn around Telok Blangah Estate to reach Harbour Front).  As usual, we went through the paces but this time, thanks to the rain, we got tons of reflections, perfect for the class to practice on the theme on Reflections.  The class ended with a self night portrait with the lighted Christmas tree as the back drop. The season is coming guys!

So what about the KPC?  After they went to la kopi and left me alone, we proceed to the platform to capture some fireworks. I am totally unprepared so I just took some snap shots of Resorts World and its flood lights beaming through the air.  We did chance upon a group of youngsters preparing a heart shaped by candles…awww…so romantic….some one is proposing? Awwww… lovely…Love is in the air. We got so affected that all the fireworks and crane shows did not turn out that well. But honestly, no one brought along the shutter release cable so what can come out of it really?

There’s always coming Saturday….and the song goes…is just another manic saturday…wish it were Monday…woooo …..

As always, the pictures (all taken with the Fujifilm x100)!

Their best offering: the Sous Vide Pork Belly. It just melts in your mouth and the crunchy roasted skin just complete the nirvana of taste.  You’d be an idiot not to get this on your table!

The Corn Fed Chicken.  Well cooked. Delicious!

Goma Tofu. Never thought Sesame sauce can go so well with Tofu. This can be a dish by itself! Simply refreshing!

Lava Fondant. The ice cream is superb but the lava…

Creme Brulee

Save the Best for the last. The Egg Royale (with Salmon Roe). The best!  Wish they have a third option, that is to serve the Egg Royale and the Bacon version in one plate! That would be heavenly!

Long Siow Leng and Nick Shooting the Pizza.

Jacob doing the honours cutting the portions of a oblong pizza. Yes…a pizza…No. Don’t ask.

Portraiture Exercise. Nice Smile~!

Ahhh…a proposal. At least people are getting married!  We still need to go above 1.21. 😛

A tad over exposed (can see the glowing skies). Singapore getting glitzy. Is this a good thing?

Supper with Kevin Chua, Kevin Yeo, Nicole Ooi, Michelle and Aziyah over at the St James Station Open Air Food Republic Beer Garden. Quite a few stalls closed down amongst them the Soup King (my favourite). It is THAT bad? I wonder what’s that guy in the middle was eating…open such a huge mouth!

Next Saturday would be another manic session. This time with LOMO Class, INTRO Class and the KPC gang doing the fireworks again. After this weekend, I would be getting ready for the Perth trip! So looking forward to it!

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