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LOMO DIY Camera + Workshop Is Now Open For Registration.

Writer's picture: WilzWorkz Wilson WongWilzWorkz Wilson Wong

This is the second phase of WilzWorkz and SPIN bringing photography to the masses. I guess that most of the people out there are wondering what is this LOMO craze about. I can’t really blame them as there is now a solid 10 years worth of digital photography behind us and the kids, teenagers and even the adults have not touched or have forgotten about the humble film.

LOMO is actually the brand of camera that has taken over the world by storm. This genre of photography can be called Diana or Holga but LOMO stuck really well. The other development would be the Instagram craze that started off by the iPhone App. Now the thing about digital photography is that it failed to really capture that inert art quality of a film print versus a digital print. As there are hardly any film camera that is out there that can be of professional quality, the next best thing is to play LOMO.

LOMO is really the anti-thesis of what we call good quality photography. It doesn’t capture color well, it is not that sharp, it vignettes and doesn’t really focus too (except for the Twin Lens Reflex). But that’s where the beauty of the medium lies. It gives that kind of anticipation that cannot be duplicated by the instant gratification of digital photography. The look of the print is unique and can never be duplicated truthfully and faithfully through Photoshop.

I hope this workshop do help people realise how much Photography has evolved in the last decade as the class allows a participant to build a camera from Scratch and to know the inner workings of the camera before digital photography came on the scene. I also hope that all the conveniences that digital photography has given to the masses will be appreciated by understanding the problems associated with film photography. Perhaps, it will also make people understand that photography, be it digital or film, is an art form in itself that no P mode or auto mode can emulate and to adopt better photography habits rather than relying on zoom and vibration reduction to name a few.

If you are into LOMO and Film photography and want to enjoy film photography again, do join SPIN Film and Lomo group at


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