We did another quick one nighter on board the Diamond Princess before touching the land again at Toyama, Chubu Region. Toyama is one of two entry points to the famous Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route (立山黒部アルペンルート) . In Toyama there are two more attractions – the UNESCO world heritage site Shirakawa-go village and the Kurobe Gorge valley train and up till this point, this region holds the most promise when it comes to further exploration.
We did hit a problem as the cruise ship is docked at Fushiki which is quite a distance away from Toyama City centre. And from Toyama to the base of the mountain took us around 2.5 hours on the local train to Toyama one way, exiting the trans-regional JR station and then to the local station that is just outside. The local train ride is pretty picturesque so it took out some boredom along the way. Once we reached Tateyama station, it was a ride on the tram system and then transfer to a bus service all the way to top of the mountain. Yes it took some time where we missed the bus back to the boat but the taxi service at the train station got us back to the ship in one piece. My advice: Stay up on the mountain for at least a night. The view is gorgeous!

Getting on to the local train towards Tateyama.

Sitting on the local trains makes you appreciate the environment in which the local Japanese dramas and manga stories are based on.

As we make our way up the mountain and through the tunnels.

The view along the way. Note the very old train station as we travel through the small farming villages.

Very interesting train station that was hued off the side of the mountain to create a cave to accommodate a train station.

Get on the tram car to reach Bijodaira. After which we take a bus ride through Midagahara towards Murodo.

Check out the crowds!

We are now at 2390m above sea level which is where Murodo is. Still some way to reach the top of Tateyama at 3015m.

The snow walls are 12m at the highest point. Actually it was not that cold. A long sleeved t-shirt would do for me.

It is taller than the bus! Imagine seeing this just after the snowing months.

You could attempt a trek to the top of the mountain (obscured by the raining clouds).

Toyama’s famous white shrimps with soba noodles while waiting for the train to go back to Toyama.

When we reached the port (phew! Just in time!), there are some performers rehearsing for the farewell concert of sorts just next to the ship.

Looks like the sensei is doing a set of her own too.

Witnessing a Taiko performance on the top deck.

Saying goodbye to Fushiki/Toyama

Even a fireworks display! Wow!

We are watching this while over the loud hailer, voices of those at the dock side asked us to visit Toyama again. I am certainly planning towards that.
Our next stop: Busan, Korea!