I am honoured and very happy to be profiled by Fujifilm Japan on their official website for their X Series cameras.

My history with Fujifilm went back to 2001 when digital photography was at its infancy. After playing with my father’s Canon L1 and my own EOS500 SLR camera, I bought a 3MP Super CCD (can be extrapolated to 6MP) S602 bridge camera for my honeymoon trip to Europe.
That camera was an exceptional piece of equipment from the point of image quality even with a 6x zoom then. After which I got myself a D70 and then a D200 (why not S5Pro? Don’t ask….sigh~). I later got a Canon A540 for those times when a DSLR is a tad too heavy or I was being lazy.
Then I lost my compact camera (and I still don’t know where I lost it) and started to look for a compact with a viewfinder. I looked at the G but somehow I was not comfortable with the camera. And then in 2010 while I was on my way to Alaska, the news broke at Photokina about X100 and the rest as they say, is history.
From 2011, the X100 was with me nearly to everywhere I go. I have struggled through its firmware until 1.3 where things are getting very rosy. Fast forward to today when rumours of the X100 being discontinued is swirling around and the X200 is to be announced, I think back of how X100 has done to the photography world what iPhone has done to the smartphone world: they force a change.
I would say x100 has brought back that smile again when I shoot everything and anything under the sun. It caused my stomach to groan by looking at its food pictures. It brings out the beauty and vibrancy of the subject without losing that elusive skin tone.
The X100 has done a lot of good and has forced the willing owner to become better photographers. I would say the X100 is the camera that makes things happen in the digital world as the old Leica that introduces the 35mm film format.
Who says APS-C sensor is for the consumers? I hope my small little contribution via the X100 would prove otherwise.
To be chosen as the photographer to showcase the X100 is truly an honour in itself for which I thank God for it
Many thanks too to Fujifilm Singapore, Fujifilm Japan, Oneshift.com and Tourism Office of Western Australia for providing the landscape on which the X100 can shine.