It is one of those days that heat & wet weather just get to you at the most inopportune time and your thought March should be great for pre wedding shoot. Well, a wedding shoot got to be that little bit dramatic and the weather do provide different back drop to the shoot.
The places we have chosen are:
Duxton Hill
The Saddle Club
Punggol Point
Punggol Waterway
All these places do give a more varied settings for Eugene and Winnie to pose in. As this is a pre-pre-wedding shoot, it is more for them to get used to doing a shoot and furthermore, to have a more casual setting rather than the more glamourous shots from the studio itself. Thus, the dresses and the clothes chosen are more laid back and casual and I hope do not have that tense feeling one would normally associate with actual wedding dress/evening dress shoot.Besides, more photos to remember the special day is always welcomed. Â So here are the shots!
Thanks to the SPIN senior members for the logistical help: Michelle Goh, Nicole Ooi, Joanna Ng, Kevin Chua & Jasmine Wang.

Please do visit the gallery to see the rest of the picture set at:Â
If you are interested to work with me on your pre-wedding shoot, please do email me at